As people look for safe ways to get together while maintaining social distance, many businesses and event planners have jumped on the outdoor festival bandwagon. Whether it’s an annual harvest festival or a new music and arts festival, there are things every event organizer needs to consider and plan for ahead of time. This includes figuring out the arrangements for porta potty rental in El Centro, CA. Attendees expect to find restrooms on the festival grounds. If you don’t provide them, people will find ways to go to the bathroom that might cause any number of incidents, from indecent exposure... View Article
New to owning a septic tank? Many clients ask how, exactly, they’ll know when it’s time to pump their septic system. Usually, your normal scheduled pumping is all you need to keep your system in good working order. Other times, you may be taken by surprise. Here are the five telltale signs that it’s time for septic tank pumping in El Centro, CA. It smells bad. Your household’s entire wastewater system drains into the septic tank. That means that in addition to human waste and toilet paper, your septic system also processes dirty dishwater, bathwater, laundry and detergents and more.... View Article
There’s a good chance you’ve never thought much about where portable toilets come from. Unlike the ancient wonders of the world, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of mystery or magic to uncover. You probably see porta potties in El Centro, CA all the time—they’re a ubiquitous part of 21st century living, especially when it comes to large events. You might be surprised, however, at how centuries of human innovation made it possible to bring convenient bathrooms to your favorite music festival or even your outdoor wedding. Read on to learn how portable toilets became such a modern convenience.... View Article
How long your septic system lasts will depend on how faithfully you perform septic system maintenance in El Centro, CA. Of course, the size, quality and installation matter too—but like any appliance or feature, taking proper care of it is the key to making it last longer. Performing regular maintenance on the mechanical components and scheduling consistent pumping ensures that your tank will continue to serve you for decades. Here are some of the factors that can affect your septic system’s lifespan. Installation. Working with a skilled contractor is the best way to guarantee proper septic tank installation in El... View Article
El Centro, CA, keeping them clean can be a bit of a challenge. Portable toilets get a bad rap, but when you keep up with these five basic sanitation steps, your guests will be grateful for safe, clean and accessible bathrooms. Here’s how to make the bathroom experience hygienic for everyone. Order the right number of toilets. We’ve all been to events where there aren’t enough bathrooms. As a result, the bathrooms that do exist are trashed by the time dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people are through with them. When you work with a long term toilet rental... View Article